Loving Membership
MIA InnerLight Spiritist Society Inc is a 501C3 non-profit organization located in Florida, USA. All classes, activities and charitable work are offered for FREE. All practicioners are volunteers dedicating their time and love without financial remuneration. To be a non-profit organization requires the creation of a corporation, the payment of taxes, memberships to Federations, website and more.
Private Space (Future rental)
We aspire to rent a space to, where we can develope all our activities of study and charity in different days and times of the week. However, for this to be possible, we need monthly contributors. There are several expenses that come with it, such as rent, bills of electricity, internet, water and others. MIA InnerLight Loving Members' contributions will allow us to save money to make this dream to come true.
Loving Membership Levels
These members are the ones that make our day to day activities workflow. But temporarily are unable to make any financial contributions. However, they provide crucial services to this Society regularly for over 1 year.
These members offer the financial support necessary to run the corporate (legal) part of the society, by contributing in monthly installments.
The requirements are that they sign up to contribute for one year.
Tax deductible document reflecting their entire year contributions, by January 31st of the following year. Via email to declare that amount on their taxes.
Sign up to contribute for one year at a time.
Be a part of the organization for at least 12 months contributing regularly.
Tax deductible document reflecting their entire year contributions, by January 31st of the following year. Via email to declare that amount on their taxes.
Voting Rights on next elections cycle.
Sign up to contribute for one year at a time.
Be a part of the organization for at least 3 years contributing regularly.
Be a part of a study group.
Contribute regularly as a support member of the society.
Tax deductible document reflecting their entire year contributions, by January 31st of the following year. Via email to declare that amount on their taxes.
Voting Rights on next elections cycle.
Participation on administrative meetings.
Eligibility for a Coordinator or Elective position.
Propose the admission of new Level III members to our society.
Become a Contributing Member
Please click on the buttons below that corresponds to the amount that better fits your budget. We are grateful for your support, no matter the amount. Once you complete your membership subscription, PayPal secure site will automatically send your contribution to MIA InnerLight monthly. Mia Innerlight will hold no information on any debit or credit cards that are inserted on the PayPal Site for your security.
Please note: To become a Level III Member you will need to go through an admission process that will be explained later.
Pledge $25 a month
Pledge $ 40 a month
Pledge $50 a month
Pledge $80 a month
Pledge $100 a month
Pledge $ 150 a month
Pledge $200 a month
*** Any other amount can be done via the DONATE buton at the bottom of the page ***
Donation is something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money, eg. "a tax-deductible donation of $200" without the receipt of an item in exchange. eg. "purchasing a book, lunch, etc"
Thank you for supporting MIA InnerLight Spiritist Society.
We are truly grateful for your contribution.
May God Bless your progress on this beautiful planet that has been given to us.