MIA Study Groups
Tuesdays (1st, 3rd & 5th of the month)
7-8pm EST
Public IN PERSON Meeting
Please arrive 15 min before, so you can join the initial prayer.
IN PERSON (2103 Coral Way, #202, Miami - corner of 21st Ave) & ONLINE (Via Google Meets LINK)
Spiritist Philosophy study group:
7:00pm - Spirits' Book & Medium's Book,
The group studies the above books, shares their understanding, experiences, doubts and how to improve morally and intellectually on a daily basis.
8:30pm - Irradiation / Prayers Circle (Private Meeting)
This is a PRIVATE group that pray together for people who are sick physically or spiritually. The 'sick' patients are in their homes/hospitals following the rules for the healing therapy.
All studies are FREE
Thursday (1st of the month), 9-10pm EST
Public ONLINE Meeting
9:00pm - Heaven and Hell
This group shares their experiences, difficulties and how to improve life one step at a time.
9:45pm - What is Spiritism?
Conversation with Kardec about the philosophy's fundamentals, helping all to understand what is right from wrong.
VIDEOS of our previous Studies
Are YOU Curious?
Series of 10 minute videos about diverse topics that intrigue humanity. There are different subjects for all tastes.
Gospel & What is Spiritism
A fun conversation with different guests about topics of our daily lives. How can we be a better person living in our troubled society?
LIVE God@Home & Spiritual Irradiation
Treatment #2 Beneficence & Charity. Hosted by Angy Stewart (From the book Gospel according to Spiritism by Allan Kardec)
Spirituality in time of Crises, by Angy Stewart
How to improve during difficult times? How to overcome challenges? References: Evolution in two Worlds, Gospel by Andre Luiz, Spirits Book, The Problem of the being, destiny and pain by Leon Denis, Heaven & Hell, Self-Discovery by Joanna de Angelis; Genesis and finally The New Generation by Divaldo & Vanessa Anseloni. Lecture done in the CLSG.
Among Brothers of other Lands
Understanding the needs of each country, and its inhabitants help us to be more open minded. How can we help Spiritism to touch their hearts to improve morally? Book channeled by the remarkable Brazilian medium Chico Xavier.
Thought & Life_MIA InnerLight
Study group for those who wish to expand their awareness and focus on creating a more balanced and enlightened society, using spiritual practices and the power of charity & love for this.